Thursday, June 21, 2007

Ethan Almighty

Ethan is our little man. He has the funniest personality. One minute he's all "give me milk, now!" the next minute he's explaining the eating behavior of an iguanodontid. There will never be another Ethan. Who else could memorize the names of all the animals of East Asia in his Animal Atlas at the age of 2? What 3 year old knows all the words to the Beatles White Album and can still appreciate a good Diego episode now and then? Sure he can get feisty from time to time, but who isn't? You would be too if your parents couldn't remember what page to find an apatosaurus in the dinosaur dictionary.

1 comment:

frisbeecoach said...

You forgot that he is never a cheater at Chutes and Ladders and Candy Land. The most fair child I have ever met in my life.