I recently found a blog that is inspiring and heartbreaking. If you go to this site, have tissues and a loved one nearby and ready....you will need both. This guy, Matt, has a newborn daughter that he is raising on his own. His wife passed away shortly after giving birth. I love reading his blog, even though it makes me sob as if I know them. I wish I did. He amazes me.
He has beautiful pictures on his blog and Flickr site, which inspired me to buy myself a Mother's Day present of a new camera and take pictures of everything and anything. I started today on Mother's Day. Keep in mind that I am not a photographer, but I tried to find beauty in ordinary things today and this is what I found. Well, 3 of the 109 things I found and took pictures of. -RL
your photos are gorgeous! i'm going to head over to matt's blog.
gorgeous photos!
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