This picture was taken on the first day of school, 2011.
Ethan is a 3rd grader this year in Mrs. Rheault's class. He loves school. Not to be the bragging mom, but I'm going to brag about my child now. Ethan was chosen for the Discovery Group for gifted and talented kids, is in the accelerated math group, and is in the top reading group. Okay, enough bragging. I'm just so proud of him, not only for how smart he is, but because he tries so hard and cares about the work he does. He cares about getting his homework done and doing well on tests. I love that kind of diligence. Ethan still loves reading and devours books like I devour Cheetos. He's very into baseball, soccer, and basketball. He still loves the Packers and the Twins. He's very into video games especially Zelda: Skyward Sword lately. He's growing up so fast, but I couldn't be prouder to be this kid's mom. He and Elliot get along very well for the most part. Last night, on our way home from soccer pictures, they had this interaction while looking at Ninjagos.Ethan: Elliot, how about we like Cole and Kai the best. Let's like them the best, okay?
Elliot: Okay Ethan, we like those guys.
Ethan: But can we agree, that Cole's power is lame?
Elliot: Yeah, very lame.
(We get home.)
Ethan: Thanks for the talk Elliot.
Elliot: Thank you, Ethan.
It's moments like those that I never want to forget. Hence, this blog. :) -RL